It’s amazing how
an embodiment practice
creates powerful life magic.
Powerful money magic.

New to Embodiment?
We all begin somewhere.
When I first met my mentor, Linda, and we eventually began our spiritual conversations, she circled back during one of our visits and said to me, “Dana, when we first met, I was extremely concerned about you because you were not energetically present in your body!”
Linda was one of those rare birds in 2001 who could psychically read people’s energy fields. And when she read mine, I was quite literally hanging by the light line of an energy thread. This was not surprising given my history of trauma and a life practice of disassociation — leaving my body for safety (I didn’t even know what either one of those things were back then).
Linda, at the time, immediately put me on a heavy dose of daily presence practice which was a combination of breath work, attention to my core and calling myself back into my body. At first, my practice was extremely awkward, uncomfortable and I had a difficult time conceptualizing what this all meant.
Yet, as I worked this new system, I gradually came to appreciate the unfolding nature of it, along with the magical things that accompanied my new levels of embodiment. Things like feeling more confident in my body. Things like being aware of my psychic gift and intuitive connections. Things like seeing the light in my own body and the light in others. Things like the sensation that the more I was internally connected, the more I trusted myself and the more I could psychically hear messaging from Higher Sources.
Not long into the practice I was hooked and the rest, as they say, was her-story. Little did Linda and I know that I’d eventually build a career on presence practices and embodiment! Especially presence practice and embodiment (somatics) with personal finance.
The reason I’m telling you this is that first, Linda’s presence practice literally saved my life on multiple occasions. And I’ve watched this practice save so many other people in their lives.
Second, even though I might seem like a phenom now, I truly began from a place of knowing absolutely nothing. I felt completely inept. I was terrible at a presence practice and embodiment at first. Yet, gradually, in my own time and my own way, I found my footing and flourished. This is my hope for you, no matter where you are at in your spiritual/life journey.
So, if you are drawn to this work, but your reservation is that “you don’t understand or you feel like you can’t do it?” That’s totally normal. I felt that too and I began there too. We all begin somewhere. There is no shame or judgement about your spiritual experience level.
I encourage you to step into the pool of embodiment because there is so much that it can give you . . . like health, healing, confidence, enlightenment, expansion, illumination — and even a better money relationship. And it can even give you your life back.

Hot Mess with Money?
You Aren’t the Only One . . .
When my money life was a disaster, no one ever talked to me about what I was experiencing internally. No one ever compassionately asked me about financial triggers or financial trauma or financial stories or financial healing. Nope. The construct of patriarchal money was fully intact during my financial formative years.
What was nonverbally modeled for me (as it is for millions) was to suck it up with work and to attend to my numbers in private, at home, with logical bookkeeping. I internalized money as a private, non-verbal, matter-of-fact logistical matter. Just buck up and do it.
This did not work for me. I tried my best, but I regularly found myself in semi-regular meltdowns during bookkeeping. Why? I did not know. So I avoided the numbers until I had to uncomfortably deal with them. I also vaguely understood that I was living in financial terror. AND I felt like a financial idiot. I mean, I knew I was smart. I graduated from college with a journalism degree. Why couldn’t I figure this out?!
Even though I masked a lot to make it look good, on the inside the survivalism was horribly real. Like sobbing-in-the-shower-and-not-knowing-why real. Like scream-crying-in-the-car-on-the-way-to-work real. Like never-seeing-my-way-into-a-better-space real.
It never occurred to me that there might be a better way . . .

For centuries, we’ve been kept from
our natural embodied rhythms
with our money relationship.
That changes now.
Up to now, we’ve semi-functioned with our money relationships, carrying a huge chasm between our mental financial thoughts in our minds and our masked emotive somatic (body) experiences with money. Living with this amputated form of money relationship practices has created untold suffering for so many of us. Maybe even you.
But we don’t have to do this anymore. I’ve developed one of the most comprehensive Somatic Money systems on the planet that’s available for you to implement with your own personal financial system.
Who knew that the foundation my mentor endowed me with would give all of us the basics we needed to build on. Who knew that the loss of my son would lead to my Spiritual Financial Intervention that seeded the original body-based money relationship blueprints with me. Who knew that the layers of data and re-applied data from Somatic Money sessions would develop into this comprehensive platform? Who knew?! But here it is . . .

My High-Masking Bio for Neuro-Typicals:
Dana Stovern, founder and coach of The Magic of Somatic Money, brings revolutionary body-based money relationship work to life by encouraging her clients and audiences to explore authentic money relationships with unique tools for deeper personal value. Somatic Money is Stovern’s necessity of invention birthed from tragic loss, triggering her need for better life answers — for herself and others. She now successfully coaches professionals and business owners from across the country with innovative Somatic Money practices, concepts and tools.
Stovern is one of the first and founding coaches of embodied money relationship in the United States, pioneering these practices since 2012 on a foundation of intuitive life coaching since 2006. She’s logged thousands of session hours with clients collecting Somatic Money stories and data while developing the work that you find here today.
She’s made it her life’s mission to bring clients what’s been missing in their money relationship by identifying the invisible forces of soft-sided money relationship for financial clarity, health and wholeness. She’s now beginning to publish the complete works of The Magic of Somatic Money to up-level money relationship for grassroots global audiences.
My Low-Masking Neuro-Spicy Bio for Neuro-Divergents:
Hi homies! OMG. Money used to drive me crazy because I totally did not understand how it worked here on planet Earth. It was like I was speaking one financial language while everyone else was speaking another financial language. I thought I was a financial idiot, drowning in high levels of fight/flight/freeze triggers and deep panic. So much pain and terror.
And then, by a freaking miracle, my Spirit Team walked me through my Spiritual Financial Intervention (linked) and I literally lived through understanding that our money coding lives through our bodies, not necessarily our brains. That’s when everything began to make sense (and cents!). Afterwards, my Spirit Team began to deliver clients to my doorstep (linked) in deep financial trauma. And then they (my Team) psychically walked me through EQ-Money processes with my clients to solve their (my clients) financial issues. And . . . it worked!
And so, that’s why I’m here today, sharing this with you, through all my neuro-spicy craziness — HSP, psychic, mediumship, channel, empath, autism spectrum, high masking, and recovering CPTSD survivor — that somehow, these gifts that I thought were my detriment, are helping me makes sense out of the EQ-Money puzzle to help others solve their financial dilemmas.
So, I’m like the last person you’d expect to be doing this work, but it turns out I’m really good at it and I’m the first in line to show you all the wonderful magical things of integrating your EQ-Money puzzle with your IQ-Money structure to get your money to work better. I hope you stick around and figure it out. It’s totally worth it. That’s why I call this work The MAGIC of Somatic Money. Because we’re doing magic in the middle of the numbers.
FTC Disclosure: Any income claims shared by my students, friends or clients are understood to be true and accurate, but are not verified in any way. Always do your own due diligence and use your own judgment when making buying decisions and investments in your business and personal life. Disclaimer: Concepts and strategies shared in this and any email communication from Dana Stovern Coaching are ideas that have worked for members of our team, students, clients and friends. They are not specific advice for your business. Always use your own judgement and/or get the advice of professionals to find the right strategies for your business and your particular situations. Dana Stovern is not a financial advisor, financial planner or certified accountant and does not give financial advice. Instead, this work is for receiving greater experience and knowledge and transformation concerning the inner workings of your relationship with your energy field, body, spiritual money relationship and life! How you apply this work is up to you. Specific results are not guaranteed.