Spirit Team Wants To
Visit with You About Money!
(In A Good Way 💖)

Weekly 1-Hour
Group Money Conversations
with Spirit Team & Dana

Tuesdays @
11 a.m. PST / 12 noon MST / 1 p.m. CST / 2 p.m. EST 

After, click below for $49/person monthly membership.

Do You Need A Place for Financial Inspiration
To Keep You On Track with Your Money?

A Place Where It’s Okay to Talk About
the Practical & “The Woo” of Money with Others?

A Place Where You Can Regularly Pick Up 
Somatic Money Coaching Insider Guidance?

Then You’re in the Right Spot!

Let’s get together on TUESDAYS once a week for an hour and open up the personal finance airwaves with Spirit Team to talk shop! We’ll be setting safe and sacred money space. We’ll be doing live group and individual money messages from Spirit Team. We’ll take your questions and comments. We’ll pull Somatic Money Oracle Cards for body-based money oracle reads. And everything we cover I’ll connect with the foundational resources of Somatic Money so you’ll have more supportive info to grow your inner-financial resilience!
First Time Enroll for FREE Here!

Enroll HERE for $49/month per person
subscription access!


Did You Know That the
Most Powerful Money Space
Is Also Taboo?

Deep in the January winter of 2023, I was meditating outside in my lawn chair all wrapped up in woolen blankets because that’s the type of wonderfully crazy person that I am.

And deep in the middle of this meditation, when the twilight was setting, the frozen snow gave off glints of last light, and my nose was reddish with cold, that’s when one of my Ascended Masters glowingly appeared before me.

And he said, “Dana, did you know that the most valuable and powerful space of money relationship is also the most taboo in your culture?” I pretty much already knew this, but his powerful message brought the clarity of this truth home for me.

He went on to say, “And that’s what we want you to bring to people. Share it with them. Show them how it works.” And even though that’s what I’ve been doing since 2011, his message stood the hairs up on the back of my neck and made me sit up straight in my chair.

What’s This Taboo Financial Space
That’s So Powerful & Valuable?

The space this Ascended Master spoke about is one where the magic of money integrates with the practical/structure of money and also with the intuitive presence of somatic space or body space. You see, traditionally, only practical, logical, structural money has been acceptable in our culture. But when you open the door to “the beyond,” you receive a whole other level of empowered money relationship. This is the New 5D-Money.

This is money relationship that is ripe for transformational healing. Money relationship ready for “AHA!” moments. Money relationship with new perspectives and potentials. Money relationship with more joy and light. Money relationship with healing and transformation. Money relationship poised to take you to the next level of your financial life!

And that’s what my Spirit Team wants me to connect for all of us in this private group gathering once a week . . . 

Let’s Celebrate & Explore
the New 5D-Money!

Spirit Team is having me launch this weekly group collective where we can get together privately on Zoom to visit about this powerfully magical aspect of money for better financial solutions. 

It’s a safe and sacred space where we can tune out the noise of the world. Where we can breathe, relax, come to center and ask our poignant questions about money. In turn, it’s a space to listen to the messages that Spirit Team has to say, couched in over twelve years of my Somatic Money coaching experience.

This is a space where the practical of personal finance mixes with the magic of the intuitive while it’s grounded in somatic awareness.

My hope is that the wise, experienced, humorous and unconditionally loving financial messages from Spirit Team will lead to our best financial healings, truth, interests, growth and results.

Remember, money is just as much a spiritual path and experience, ripe for growth, healing and insight, as all other spiritual aspects of our lives. Maybe even more so.

 Enroll ABOVE &
Check Out the Details BELOW


This is a once-a-week money conversation in private group with Spirit Team & Dana via Zoom to visit about Somatic Money and EQ-Money themes, questions, messaging and resources. Video conferences will include initial sacred space setting, initial channels from Spirit Team, spontaneous readings with participants (with individual’s permission), pertinent Somatic Money coaching insights from Dana and resource suggestions. Your money questions and themes are welcome via email prior to the video conference or via chat during the video conference. 

You can join at anytime with a monthly membership.

Every Tuesday for an hour
11 a.m. PST / 12 noon MST / 1 p.m. CST / 2 p.m. EST 

After, click below for $49/person monthly membership.

Zoom Video Conference.
This is a private group with NO video/audio recording.

$49/person per month.

Please feel free to send questions and/or topics ahead of time via email to Dana. OR mention them in the chat during the Zoom.

PLEASE NO DIGITAL HIDING: I know. I know. Sometimes we like to hide on Zoom. But this is an all-in closed private circle where we all need to SEE one another for participation. Besides, this is GREAT practice to show up in person to talk about money. Imagine how just THAT will give you breakthroughs. 

FOR CLARITY: Even though our Spirit Teams help us with our numbers and our financial books, I will NOT be asking you anything about the actual $-numbers in your accounts. Nope. 

ENVIRONMENT: We’re striving for candid but kind. So, please expect a compassionate, friendly, constructive and communicative atmosphere. We’re going to do the best we can to find the balance here in being gently and firmly supportive without sugar-coating things with toxic-positivity. My hope is that you feel safe to be here and speak openly about your money relationship, but also in a framework to receive suggestions so that you can move and grow beyond your blindspots. 

Once you book your spot in this Roundtable, you’ll receive the weekly links to the Zoom conferences.

HOW MUCH: This is a monthly subscription of $49/person per month. Join the group at any time, stay as long as you like!

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