Oracle Cards That Give You
Specific EQ-Money Answers
To Transform Your Financial Life.


Unique Combinations.

When you work with this 107-card system, covering 14 Somatic Money Blueprints, and Four Financial Medicine Wheels, you’re powerfully accessing the specific internal locations of your EQ-Money relationship with unique card-pull combinations. This work places you at the vulnerable center of your internal money relationship conversations so that you can identify the emotive aspects of your finances to create money solutions! 

Practiced Regularly,
What Can This Deck Help You Accomplish?

This means that you can finally identify the soft-sided EQ-Money dynamics that are causing you to leave money on the table, causing you financial battery drains, causing you lost financial dreams, causing you debt. This means that you can finally turn the tables with specific EQ-Money tools to locate your financial voice, boundaries, healing, presence, empowerment and structure to transform your financial life: reducing financial stress, creating financial clarity, dissolving debt, shattering glass ceilings and creating greater cash flow.

In other words, when you hold this deck in your hands and regularly work the cards in this system, you hold the power of possibility to locate your authentic money life to define your personal financial success.

The Depth & Breadth of Rare & Special
Experiential Information.

This work comes from the depth and breadth of my Somatic Money coaching since 2011, where I’ve collected, cultivated and assembled a bold combination of progressive financial ideas pairing financial structure with financial emotional intelligence along with body-based money work and financial intuition to help you locate your money relationship solutions. 

What you are engaging here is rare and exceptional. I am one of the few professionals founding this thought leadership of Somatic Money in the barely budding field of body-based money relationship. I’ve put over thirteen years of Somatic Money experience, knowledge and data into these 107 cards. 

The work resonates with the clarity and grounded-ness of experiential knowledge that’s been tested and found to work over time. I hope you find the deck rich, insightful and invaluable to your path.


One 107-card set of
The Somatic Money Oracle Deck
in glossy, full-color, 3×5 sizing.

One Silk Bag
with Drawstrings.

One 8-Page PDF of insider instructions
to help you get started and navigate your
Somatic Money Oracle Deck.

“I have to admit that I ordered your cards on impulse when, on one of your videos pulling some other cards, you added in these. They melded with your reading so seamlessly that it compelled me to go back to your site to order them . . .

(Later, after deck delivery) . . . during meditation, your cards nudged me into a deeper and more meaningful relationship with money, showing where I needed healing & a pathway towards achieving that healing. I’d never experienced that before! . . .
. . . Your empathy and compassion (in the end of the card’s text) felt tangible and somehow gave me permission to invite myself into that sacred space of healing . . . 
. . . So thank you, Dana. I do have a long way to go, but something energetic has changed for me and the brutal honesty of that cards’ message provided a catalyst that I think will allow me to uncover and deal with an issue so deeply buried that I didn’t even know it existed.
So, from the depths of my heart – thank you 💕”


 -Kerry in Connecticut

Deep In the Autumn of October 2023,
Spirit Team leaned in and said,
“It’s time to create the deck . . . “

Somatic Money Oracle Deck Inception

It was one of those rich autumn evenings in October 2023 when I was busy baking bread and cooking chili at the end of harvest season with crisp fall air coming on. The good smells were rolling through the kitchen and I felt Spirit Team lean in and say, “It’s time to create the deck.” 

And I was like, “What deck?” And they were like, “An oracle deck. For money.” And they indicated my Somatic Money all wrapped up in a bundle of cards.

What seemed like an irrational act rapidly made a great deal of sense! I mean, I’d already written the Somatic Money Blueprint handbook of the complete Somatic Money Mapping System. Why not an oracle deck?!

That evening, I sat down with graphics software. Spirit Team literally leaned over my shoulder pointing out colors, design and images. You could say I channeled the first Somatic Money Oracle Deck cover with Spirit Team as co-designer! So the green forested images you see here are strongly suggested from Spirit Team. The Northern Lights and the stars are strongly suggested from Spirit Team. The way it all came together is a Dana / Spirit Team co-creation.

What came out of it, four months later, was a 106-card deck encapsulating 14 Somatic Money Blueprints and Four Financial Medicine Wheels!

Even in the heat of finishing it — I was literally burning the midnight oil with writing, designs and technology — I knew I had something completely different . . . 

Holding the Alchemy of
Soft-Sided Personal Finance 
In Your Hands

I knew that when people held this in their hands they would be able to feel the emotional intelligence of the Sacred Feminine, body-based money relationship technology! That’s what I wanted to provide — a personal finance alchemizer with the soft-sided aspects of money relationship all in one spot. Creating one custom inter-personal money relationship oracle card pull after another.

Why Offer the 1st Edition with the 2nd Edition Deck?

Honestly? Because I got so excited in the creation phase I kept ripping through edits and cover creations that before I knew it I had two decks! AND the inventory to go with it. So, I need to let go of the remainder of the first 50 decks Spirit Team INSISTED I print. 

Now you have a choice between both editions — this one has a different cover, is a little less expensive, with a little less polish and with one less card than the second edition. This first edition also has a few cards shuffled between categories. And the text/graphic edits aren’t as clean as I’d like them to be (but that’s a Virgo being really picky). But it’s still a solid deck and good to go. 

So, you decide what works for you. Either way, you’re literally receiving the outline of my entire program in this deck that is 2.5x the size of a regular deck! 

Here’s to your money magic mojo!



One 106-card set of
The Somatic Money Oracle Deck
in glossy, full-color, 3×5 sizing.

One Silk Bag
with Drawstrings.

One 8-Page PDF of insider instructions
to help you get started and navigate your
Somatic Money Oracle Deck.

“When I held this deck in my hands for the first time my entire body vibrated! I can’t wait to put this to use. Just having it to reach for when I need answers helps me feel better.”

 -Anna, Human Resources, New York

“I’ve only had this Somatic Money Oracle Deck for a couple of weeks and already it’s given me some clarity that I wasn’t even aware of. It’s saving me from old pitfalls and putting me in an entirely new space. So helpful!”

-Janet, Market Analyst, California