You name it,
as a body-based money relationship coach
supporting my clients into better financial
spaces, I’ve heard all the excuses about
avoiding money tasks.

And for a long time I thought these money “excuses” that were SO exasperating were just getting in the way. But then I began looking again, with new eyes, much more deeply at the patterning of the words my clients used, the energies of the emotions they exhibited, and what my clients were really telling me.

It turns out that the “money excuse” is a cover (a protective Money Shield or Block) connected to far deeper fears, greater money intricacies, and overall financial pain from deeper vulnerable wounding. I just had to slow down and listen better. Listen with my heart, my soul, my body. And this is what I found:

What my clients were saying to me when they gave me a “money excuse” was their way of saying, “Dana, I’m afraid I don’t have the inner resiliency to do what I need to do here and I’m stuck.” It turns out, that the money excuse is a white-flag cry for help.

That’s when I realized the “money excuse”
is not just an excuse 
. . . it’s the way.

It turns out that the “money excuse” that you constantly tell yourself and others in collusion with your money avoidance IS the key to opening your door to healing your financial hurts and laying the groundwork into your financial solutions. 

And yes, you heard me right, the tell-tale signs of your financial procrastination IS your golden key.

In other words, your Money Block (protective financial procrastination)
signals the type of vulnerable financial wounding you’re experiencing and
the type of EQ-Money resiliency tools you need for financial healing
that will support you in creating better financial actions and results.

And I want to help you empathetically sleuth this with the right EQ-Money insights, no money judgement and kind support – 

So I’ve put together (BELOW) a compassionate four-part EQ-Money Resiliency Survey for you to self-score and locate your Money Excuse Type as it’s connected to specific EQ-Money Resiliency Tools that you need to support yourself in the healing process of your money life. 

It’s time for you to move through your stuck money space and get the help you need – because you deserve to feel great about working with your money to create the type of self-defined financial success you’ve always dreamed about!

Inner-financial resiliency equals outer financial stability 


>>Guided EQ-Money Scenario assessments
connected to EQ-Money “Excuses”
to break your old money cycles.

>>Guided EQ-Money “Excuse” areas
paired with Money Block insights
to begin your money healing process.

>>Guided 17-question set for your
EQ-Money Resiliency Survey
with teachable insights.

>>5 coaching-guided scoring windows
with next-step suggestions
to begin your Somatic Money practice.

>>In a 22-page power-packed PDF.

Payment through Paypal –
Calibrate your in-box for SendOwl!

“OMG I can’t believe this question list! I didn’t know some of these existed in money! I wish someone had shown me this concept years ago. It would have saved me so much suffering. But I’m thankful I have it now. It’s giving me so much relief and clarity with my money! THANK YOU!”

-Marge Z.
Health Services Manager
Fort Collins, Colorado

My High-Masking Bio for Neuro-Typicals:
Dana Stovern, founder and coach of The Magic of Somatic Money, brings revolutionary body-based money relationship work to life by encouraging her clients and audiences to explore authentic money relationships with unique tools for deeper personal value. Somatic Money is Stovern’s necessity of invention birthed from tragic loss, triggering her need for better life answers — for herself and others. She now successfully coaches professionals and business owners from across the country with innovative Somatic Money practices, concepts and tools.

Stovern is one of the first and founding coaches of embodied money relationship in the United States, pioneering these practices since 2012 on a foundation of intuitive life coaching since 2006. She’s logged thousands of session hours with clients collecting Somatic Money stories and data while developing the work that you find here today. 

She’s made it her life’s mission to bring clients what’s been missing in their money relationship by identifying the invisible forces of soft-sided money relationship for financial clarity, health and wholeness. She’s now beginning to publish the complete works of The Magic of Somatic Money to up-level money relationship for grassroots global audiences. 

My Low-Masking Neuro-Spicy Bio for Neuro-Divergents:
Hi homies! OMG. Money used to drive me crazy because I totally did not understand how it worked here on planet Earth. It was like I was speaking one financial language while everyone else was speaking another financial language. I thought I was a financial idiot, drowning in high levels of fight/flight/freeze triggers and deep panic. So much pain and terror. 

And then, by a freaking miracle, my Spirit Team walked me through my Spiritual Financial Intervention (linked) and I literally lived through understanding that our money coding lives through our bodies, not necessarily our brains. That’s when everything began to make sense (and cents!). Afterwards, my Spirit Team began to deliver clients to my doorstep (linked) in deep financial trauma. And then they (my Team) psychically walked me through EQ-Money processes with my clients to solve their (my clients) financial issues. And . . . it worked!

And so, that’s why I’m here today, sharing this with you, through all my neuro-spicy craziness — HSP, psychic, mediumship, channel, empath, autism spectrum, high masking, and recovering CPTSD survivor — that somehow, these gifts that I thought were my detriment, are helping me makes sense out of the EQ-Money puzzle to help others solve their financial dilemmas.

So, I’m like the last person you’d expect to be doing this work, but it turns out I’m really good at it and I’m the first in line to show you all the wonderful magical things of integrating your EQ-Money puzzle with your IQ-Money structure to get your money to work better. I hope you stick around and figure it out. It’s totally worth it. That’s why I call this work The MAGIC of Somatic Money. Because we’re doing magic in the middle of the numbers.

FTC Disclosure: Any income claims shared by my students, friends or clients are understood to be true and accurate, but are not verified in any way. Always do your own due diligence and use your own judgment when making buying decisions and investments in your business and personal life. Disclaimer: Concepts and strategies shared in this and any email communication from Dana Stovern Coaching are ideas that have worked for members of our team, students, clients and friends. They are not specific advice for your business. Always use your own judgement and/or get the advice of professionals to find the right strategies for your business and your particular situations. Dana Stovern is not a financial advisor, financial planner or certified accountant and does not give financial advice. Instead, this work is for receiving greater experience and knowledge and transformation concerning the inner workings of your relationship with your energy field, body, spiritual money relationship and life! How you apply this work is up to you. Specific results are not guaranteed.